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Sale of (part of) your business

Sale of (part of) your business

We are

Many entrepreneurs sometimes think about it: selling (part of) their business. However, very few entrepreneurs actually take this step. Your business is your life's work and we understand that like no other.

An ISP with 23 years of experience and thousands of resellers and partners that we provide with domain names, SSL certificates, web hosting, (virtual) servers and managed services. In addition to our regular services, we continuously acquire portfolios and companies that vary in size: from a few customers to 1,000,000 euro turnover.

Why sell?

The added value we can offer your customers consists of a whole range of automation tools such as our API and modules for administration systems including WHMCS, HostFact (formerly WeFact) and our very comprehensive portal. In addition to this added value, we obviously offer the best acquisition price. Possibly the services you want to sell are not your core business. With an acquisition it is possible to invest, precisely in your core business.

Let's get acquainted

Convinced that we are your ideal (acquisition) partner? Contact Xander Slootweg, Director of at or Jamie Scharloo, Managed Marketing & Sales at or call +31 (0)88 - 750 70 70. Xander is your regular contact and has all the answers to your questions.